Dynatrend is a company deeply specialized in:
The Dynatrend philosophy is to use commonly available instrumentation and adapted software solutions in order to make the most technically effective solution available for demanding monitoring and diagnostic tasks.
Dynatrend creates the tools needed for avoiding opening up a machine which do not require opening just to determine if it is in good or bad condition.
Dynatrend performs tailor made machine diagnostic training seminars for various category of staff, dependent of the responsibility level or sector.
Next level quality in
monitoring solutions
Reducing the consumption of spare-parts, typically by optimizing the following, sorted by operational category:
Diagnostic reporting services and operational support. Machinery degradation protection for minimizing production losses, limiting emission release, and reducing fuel and maintenance costs.
Dedicated analysis setup for machinery prototype testing and maturing, particularly important for internal clearance maturing and gas path flow instability mapping.
Subsea mounted equipment will export advanced diagnostics via low data transfer rate capacity over the umbilical. Only text strings are sent to the surface.